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 Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne

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6 participants
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 10:47

vu sur

Caucau joins Fiji squad
Star wing Rupeni Caucau has finally joined the Fiji squad in camp in Nadi and will take part in Fiji's RWC 2007 qualifying campaign against Samoa and Tonga.

Vu que les matchs se terminent le 30 juillet, il manquera la reprise.

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Nombre de messages : 11337
localisation : Agen
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 17:14

sualex a écrit:
vu sur

Caucau joins Fiji squad
Star wing Rupeni Caucau has finally joined the Fiji squad in camp in Nadi and will take part in Fiji's RWC 2007 qualifying campaign against Samoa and Tonga.

Vu que les matchs se terminent le 30 juillet, il manquera la reprise.

est il soumis aussi a 7 semaine de repos? si oui, il ne reprendra pas avant fin septembre Confused

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233    Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 2680510 Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233
Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Slide_10Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Indien10
Les anglais ont inventé le rugby, mais son avenir est à Agen drunken
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 17:16

superman a écrit:
sualex a écrit:
vu sur

Caucau joins Fiji squad
Star wing Rupeni Caucau has finally joined the Fiji squad in camp in Nadi and will take part in Fiji's RWC 2007 qualifying campaign against Samoa and Tonga.

Vu que les matchs se terminent le 30 juillet, il manquera la reprise.

est il soumis aussi a 7 semaine de repos? si oui, il ne reprendra pas avant fin septembre Confused

ben je ne sais pas vu que jusqu'à présent il était en vacances...

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Nombre de messages : 11337
localisation : Agen
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 17:23

sualex a écrit:
superman a écrit:
sualex a écrit:
vu sur

Caucau joins Fiji squad
Star wing Rupeni Caucau has finally joined the Fiji squad in camp in Nadi and will take part in Fiji's RWC 2007 qualifying campaign against Samoa and Tonga.

Vu que les matchs se terminent le 30 juillet, il manquera la reprise.

est il soumis aussi a 7 semaine de repos? si oui, il ne reprendra pas avant fin septembre Confused

ben je ne sais pas vu que jusqu'à présent il était en vacances...

ça va faire beaucoup avec, yukes,persico,dellape,caucau,popescu,fevre,mirande qui ont joués en juin et juillet, pour commencer la nouvelle saison Confused

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233    Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 2680510 Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233
Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Slide_10Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Indien10
Les anglais ont inventé le rugby, mais son avenir est à Agen drunken
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 17:27

Ratuva, socol en plus qui est en réeducation, sachant que notre effectif est limité ça va etre dur, mais bon je ne sais pas si la règle est appliquable à tout le monde

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Nombre de messages : 11337
localisation : Agen
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 17:29

sualex a écrit:
Ratuva, socol en plus qui est en réeducation, sachant que notre effectif est limité ça va etre dur, mais bon je ne sais pas si la règle est appliquable à tout le monde

j'espère que non, en tout cas, cela donnera une chance aux autres de briller 😉

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233    Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 2680510 Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233
Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Slide_10Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Indien10
Les anglais ont inventé le rugby, mais son avenir est à Agen drunken
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Champion d'europe
Champion d'europe

Nombre de messages : 3281
Age : 40
localisation : PESSAC
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 23:20

La régle n'est autorisé que pour les joueurs francais.
Les étrangers seront la pour le debut de saison (reste a savoir dans quel etat)
Pour caucaunibuca il est deja prévu qu'il revienne fin aout (a cause des matchs des fidji).A mon avis il sera operationnel début octobre.
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Nombre de messages : 11337
localisation : Agen
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 23:22

brice a écrit:
La régle n'est atorisé que pour les joueurs francais.
Les étrangers seront la pour le debut de saison (reste a savoir dans quel etat)
Pour caucaunibuca il est deja prévu qu'i revienne fin aout (a cause des matchs des fidji).A mon avis il sera operationnel début octobre.

c'est une bonne nouvelle, mais comment vont etre dellape, persico et yukes apres seulemnet 3 semaine de vacances? Confused

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233    Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 2680510 Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233
Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Slide_10Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Indien10
Les anglais ont inventé le rugby, mais son avenir est à Agen drunken
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Dim 3 Juil 2005 - 23:41

fin juillet ça se termine les qualifications de la wc2007 et non fin aout 😉

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Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 6:39

Mieux vaut un SUA avec une pléthore d'internationaux qui vont prendre 7 semaines de repos qu'un sporting sans internationaux.
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 20:49

Voici un article sur le retour de Rupeni en selection

Caucau returns to Fiji camp
Monday July 04, 2005

Fiji's super star winger Rupeni Caucaunibuca put to rest all doubts about his availability for Fiji when he met with coach Wayne Pivac in Nadi at the weekend.

Caucau, who is reported to have secured a $4.5 million contract with his French club Agen, met Pivac at the national side's Skylodge Hotel camp in Nadi and apologised on television to his former Auckland coach and the rugby public for failing to show up in camp since arriving back home over a month ago.

Pivac said Caucau, like any other player will have to fight for his place in the team in order to make the starting lineup against Samoa in Apia this weekend.

Pivac has accepted Caucau's explanation and said that the winger whom he coached for the Auckland NPC side is willing to make amends.

However Pivac said Caucau's will have to prove his better than Filimoni Delasau and Mosese Luvetasau for a spot on the wing.

Pivac said there is no major injury worry to the side.

He said all the players were expected to be in camp today, except for flanker Aca Ratuva who will miss the trip to Samoa as he will be getting married this weekend.

The national team leaves for Samoa on Tuesday.

Meanwhile Samoa defeated Tonga 50-28 at Apia yesterday in their World Cup qualifying meet. Samoa ran in six tries to Tonga 3.

Fiji plays Tonga again on July 16 and Samoa at home on July 30.

Samoa currently leads the tri-nations match up ahead of Fiji who also defeated Tonga in Suva on June 18.

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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 20:53

Caucau returns to the fold sorry to fans
(Monday, July 04, 2005)

FRANCE-based speedster Rupeni Caucau finally answered national 15s coach Wayne Pivac's call ahead of the next Rugby World Cup qualifier against Samoa on July 9 in Apia.

The Agen star said he was happy to be part of the World Cup qualifying squad, which would face Samoa in Apia this weekend.

Caucau marched into camp at the Skylodge in Nadi yesterday with an aim to play the remaining RWC qualifying games against Samoa and Tonga.

The star winger said he would fit into any position that coach Wayne Pivac puts him into.

"I met with Wayne and we have sorted things out," Caucau said.

"It feels good to be back with the national team. It has always been my wish to play for Fiji. I'm looking forward to the first training run with the rest of the boys."

Caucau said the match against Samoa would be tough.

"I haven't played against Samoa so it will be my first time so I'm really looking forward to that."

Caucau said he would leave for France soon after the qualifying series.

Pivac said the clash against Samoa would be a lot harder as the Samoans would be tough to beat on their home soil.

"By the looks of things with the score margin 50-28, they had good weather and we are hoping for good conditions where we would be able to play expansive rugby," Pivac said.

"All the boys are in camp except for Sisa Koyamaibole, who has been excused to be with his wife as they are expecting their first child.

"We have a very inexperience side especially in the forward pack," Pivac said.

"This is all part of development. But we will be working towards improving from our game against Tonga."

Last week Pivac named a 23-member side but withheld his 24th player until late Saturday night after meeting with Caucau, who confirmed his availability.

"Caucau and I met late on Saturday and he is joining the squad while Ilai Derenalagi has been dropped," he said.

Pivac has had no feed back from Derenalagi since the team dispersed after the game against Tonga a fortnight ago in Suva.

Pivac said the two new inclusions in the side were Nadroga's Akapusi Qera and Naitasiri winger Mosese Luveitasau.

Meanwhile, ace flanker Aca Ratuva will join the squad in Tonga and has been given leave from national duties in Samoa because he is to get married

The full squad is as follows:

Forwards:Josese Bale, Ravuama Samo, Bill Cavubati, Bill Gadolo, Sunia Koto, Langi Peters, Isoa Domolailai, Akuila Matanibukaca, Ifereimi Rawaqa, Apolosi Satala, Akapusi Qera, Jone Qovu, Sisa Koyamaibole.

Backs: Jacob Rauluni, Mosese Rauluni, Nicky Little, Jack Prasad, Seremaia Bai, Epeli Ruivadra, Mosese Luveitasau, Rupeni Caucau, Vilimone Delasau, Josevata Tora, Norman Ligairi.[/url]

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Dernière édition par le Sam 20 Aoû 2005 - 1:48, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 21:01

la bonne nouvelle c'est qu'il dit qu'il rejoindra agen dés la fin des matchs de qualif le 30 juillet.

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joue en promotion honneur
joue en promotion honneur

Nombre de messages : 98
localisation : Bordeaux
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 21:08

Ca fait bizarre de voir Rups en photo avec sa famille.. Il parait beaucoup moins impressionnant comme ca... En tout cas il a un beau bébé!!
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le pirate
Champion de france
Champion de france
le pirate

Nombre de messages : 1919
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 22:09

mon blog sur Caucau:

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Nombre de messages : 11337
localisation : Agen
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 22:10

le pirate a écrit:
mon blog sur Caucau:


sympa ton blog Cool merci a toi 😉

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233    Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 2680510 Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne 491233
Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Slide_10Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Indien10
Les anglais ont inventé le rugby, mais son avenir est à Agen drunken
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joue en promotion honneur
joue en promotion honneur

Nombre de messages : 98
localisation : Bordeaux
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Lun 4 Juil 2005 - 22:19

Elle date de quand la photo de Rups en maillot de bain?? Nan parce que la il avait un physique legerement different... Ah mais j'allais oublié: il a eu une grossesse entre temps.. Laughing Ceci expliquant peut etre cela... :scratch:
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mar 5 Juil 2005 - 19:20

Un autre article sur Caucau

No special conditions for Caucau

With speedster Rupeni Caucau making a return to national duties since the 2003 Rugby World Cup, hopes are high that he will produce the same magic again for the national side when they face Samoa this week.

FMF national coach Wayne Pivac was a relived man and he stated that he had plans to have Caucau in the centre’s berth and to cover as a winger. He said the Agen based Fijian flyer would have to get adapted to the national side's training over the next few weeks and he would also monitor him at centre.

“There is a need for another outside back somebody who can cover wing and centre and we think Rupeni can do a job both on the wing or center if need be.

We are serious about him having the ability to play at centre as well as a wing so we will have a look at that during training as well before we make the final selection for Samoa,” Pivac said.

The national side faced a major injury crisis after the match against Tonga last week and the arrival of Caucau couldn’t have been any better timed. The former Auckland coach said that he was pleased to have Caucau back in the camp and added that he had a short meeting with him outlining the rules of the squad.

“Yeah, we are pleased obviously to have Rupeni here. On his day he is one of the best wingers in the world we have seen that. We saw that at the World Cup and you know I saw that first hand at the Blues (Auckland) for many years and reports are that he plays very well out in Agen and they are very happy with his form there so we are excited to have him in the group,” Pivac said

“Obviously the meeting went well otherwise we wouldn’t be here sitting down now. We're happy, I mean Rupeni and I know each other from our days at Auckland and really it was just the matter of getting the ground rules sorted going forward for the team and Rupeni accepts those and we are looking forward to having him on the team.”

The New Zealander said that everything had been sorted after the meeting, as it was just a matter of them having a chat about his availability, which they did, and the future looks bright.

He said there were no conditions under which Caucau would play for the national side as the rules affected everyone in the side.

“So we are not going to dwell on the past we are going to get on with the job.” Pivac said.

“There are no conditions any different from any other player, the rules we have for the team are for everybody and there are no exceptions.

I mean Rupeni is a world class player and no one disputes that what we have got to do is to get him into the group get him up to speed with moves and those sorts of things and we will look at the selection for the Samoan game over the next couple of days and it’s good to have him.”

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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mar 5 Juil 2005 - 19:26

Malgrés que son coach pense à l'avenir utiliser rupeni au centre il débutera contre les samoans à l'aile

Jacob to captain FMF Flying Fijians

After an absence of nearly 20 months sensational Fijian winger Rupeni Caucau will mark his return to international rugby this week-end when the FMF Flying Fijians take on Manu Samoa in the Oceania World Cup qualifiers at Apia Park in Samoa.

Caucau’s last game for Fiji was at the 2003 Rugby World Cup when he touched down twice against Scotland in a match that decided which team went on to face Australia in the quarter-finals. Scotland’s Tom Smith scored a try in the dying minutes of that game to earn Scotland a dramatic come from behind win after Fiji had been 14-6 ahead at half-time.

“He’s certainly strong but having not played for a number of weeks he’s going to need to work on his fitness and sharpen up,” said FMF Flying Fijians coach Wayne Pivac.

“He’s not 100% but I have no doubts that we’ll be seeing a player who’s going to be working very hard,” added the former New Zealand coach of the year.

In naming Caucau on the wing to partner newcomer Mosese Luveitasau, Pivac ended speculation that the Agen-based Caucau would start in the centres.

“We never actually said that we’d play Caucau in the centres, all we said was that we believe he has the ability to play there should the need arise,” revealed Pivac.

“It’s his first game and we we’d rather put him in his natural position on the left wing.”

Along with Luveitasau, Nadroga number 8 Akapusi Qera has been named on the side of the scrum alongside Apolosi Satala and Sisa Koyamaibole.

In the front row Bill Cavubati reclaims his tight head starting position from Ravuama Samo while Sunia Koto retains his hookers berth ahead of the more experienced Bill Gadolo who’s beeen named on the bench.

At scrumhalf Jacob Rauluni has managed to displace brother Mosese from the starting line-up and in so doing also inherits the captaincy of the FMF Flying Fijians.

“We’ve gone for Jacob for a combination of reasons really, firstly Mosese picked up a head injury against Tonga while Jacob’s been playing well whenever he’s come on and has also been working extremely hard, so we’re happy to make the change,” said Pivac.

Earlier in the week Mosese had hinted that it was going to be tough to hold off the challenge of his elder brother.

“After his good performance against Tonga I think I’ll have to fight hard to retain my position,” said Mosese.

The full team is as follows:

FMF Flying Fijians

1.Josese Bale 2.Sunia Koto 3.Bill Cavubati
4.Ifereimi Rawaqa 5.Isoa Domolailai
6.Akapusi Qera 7.Apolosi Satala 8.Sisa Koyamaibole
9.Jacob Rauluni (cpt) 10.Nicky Little 11.Rupeni Caucau 12.Seremaia Bai 13.Epeli Ruivadra 14.Mosese Luveitasau 15.Norman Ligairi


16.Bill Gadolo 17.Ravuama Samo 18.Langi Peters 19.Jone Qovu 20.Mosese Rauluni 21.Jo Tora 22.Vilimoni Delasau.

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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Nombre de messages : 10001
Age : 58
localisation : Bédarieux
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mer 6 Juil 2005 - 20:09

Je pense que cela va lui faire du bien de reprendre avec la sélection fidgienne pour sa condition physique car j'aurais tendance à croire que l'oisiveté ne soit pas très favorable...à notre perle du pacifique.
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le pirate
Champion de france
Champion de france
le pirate

Nombre de messages : 1919
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mer 6 Juil 2005 - 21:12

Sualex tu les trouves où tes articles en anglais sur Caucau?
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mer 6 Juil 2005 - 21:16

le pirate a écrit:
Sualex tu les trouves où tes articles en anglais sur Caucau?

Sur des sites fidjiens, fijisun, fijitimes, sur le site de la fédé fidjienne, d'ailleurs la derniere info annonce que caucau a encore disparu...

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joue en promotion honneur
joue en promotion honneur

Nombre de messages : 98
localisation : Bordeaux
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mer 6 Juil 2005 - 21:20

Décidement on sait jamais a quoi s'attendre avec lui... Rolling Eyes
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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mer 6 Juil 2005 - 23:47

Caucau ou pas Caucau...

Caucau not with team
Doubt has now appeared as to whether Rupeni Caucau will play in this weekend's RWC qualifier against Samoa after he stayed behind in Fiji on Tuesday when the remainder of the squad departed.

Source :

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Nombre de messages : 13894
Age : 45
localisation : Agen
compte Twitter : @Alex4778
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2005

Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne   Caucaunibuca rejoint la selection fidjienne Default12Mer 6 Juil 2005 - 23:51

En fait sa femme est malade, il devrait retrouver sa selection sous peu...enfin sait on jamais.

Flyer Caucau left behind
Thursday July 07, 2005

Fijian rugby winger Rupeni Caucau is expected to join the national team in Samoa today for the second round of the World Cup qualifier after missing their flight on Tuesday.

He was excused to stay back in Fiji because his wife Sokoveti was sick.

He was booked to take another flight to Samoa via Auckland this morning.

Caucau's absence is reported to have drawn a lot of attention in Samoa. The pacific island country is still gripped in the hype of its massive 50-28 win over Tonga last week. Samoa coach Michael Jones expects Fiji to be tougher although his team will be boosted with the return of the experienced Semo Sititi and Brian Lima.

Caucau, who has been named on the left wing, will be playing his first match against Samoa.

It will also be his first match for Fiji since playing against Scotland in the 2003 Rugby World Cup where he scored two scintillating tries.

The former Auckland Blues star now plays for Agen in France where he is reported to have secured a $4.5 million contract.

He returned to Fiji over a month ago to play against the New Zealand Maoris, All Blacks and Tonga. Instead he detoured to his village in the interior of the second island, Vanua Levu, without contacting the Fiji Rugby Union.

Caucau returned to the Fiji camp at the weekend where he publicly apologised to the coach and the nation for his disappearance and vowed to repay his debts on the field.


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