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 Votre équipe internationale 2009

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2 participants
Champion de france
Champion de france

Nombre de messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Mer 23 Déc 2009 - 21:11

Voilà, c'est la fin d'une année.

Alors qui vous a marqué?

Le SUA est hors course, of course...

1-Fabien Barcella. La mêlée française se fait de nouveau craindre depuis qu'il est là. Coincidence?

2-Dimitri Swarczeski. Manque de régularité, mais vraiment je crois que nous avons une pépite que tout le monde peut nous envier.

3-Euan Murray. Avec lui, la mêlée écossaise est redoutable. Sans lui, elle est au supplice.

4-Un sudaf, au choix...

5-Brad thorne

6-David Pocock/Rocky Elsom. Les deux méritent la citation. Peutêtre surtout Pocock qui rend les Wallabies imbattable et fait passer George Smith pour un has been inutile.

7-Thierry Dussautoir est à la base du retour au top des français, en bon capitaine. On peut bien lui reprocher d'être meilleur sans ballon qu'avec mais son impact physique et psychologique rattrappe bien tout cela. David Wallace a été un poison comme d'habitude, mais vainqueur cette fois-ci. Cela valait bien une petite mention.

8-Comme personne n'égale en puissance un NZ qu'un sudaf, Ryan Kankowski ou Kieran Read (RK contre KR)...

9-Will Genia. Une tuerie ce petit. Pas si petit que ça d'ailleurs. Avec lui, la page Gregan va se tourner définitivement.

10-Carter pour un seul match. Giteau a connu quelques trous...

11-Sitiveni Sivivatu.

12-Quade Cooper. Impressionnant lors de la tournée automnale des Wallabies.

13-Brian O'Driscoll. Il était temps qu'il réalise une année aussi pleine en résultats. Il peut partir à la retraite tranquille. C'est bien un des meilleurs joueurs irlandais de l'histoire.

14-Tommy Bowe. Un remarquable ailier. Un de ceux qui anime le marché des transferts outre-manche. Car autant le Leinster que le Munster ou l'Ulster s'arrachent le joyau des Ospreys.

15-Son nom m'échappe. Il est gallois et est très fort. Il devance Rob Kearney trop limité par le jeu des verts.

Voilà. Au niveau des équipes, l'Australie m'a fait une bonne impression. Avec la France, ils seront à mon avis les grands challengers de la NZ en 2011.
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Pierre de Paris
Champion du monde
Champion du monde
Pierre de Paris

Nombre de messages : 9686
Age : 72
localisation : Banlieue Sud 800m de Paris!
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Jeu 24 Déc 2009 - 9:07

1 Barcella
2 Flannery
3 Mas
4 Matfield
5 Chabal
6 pocock
7 Dusseautoir
8 Parisse
9 Ellis (Angleterre)
10 Carter ou O'Gara
11 Sisivatu
12 J.Roberts le Gallois
13 O'Driscoll
14 Clerc
15 Traille ou Byrne
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Champion de france
Champion de france

Nombre de messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Jeu 24 Déc 2009 - 15:24

Pierre de Paris a écrit:
1 Barcella
2 Flannery
3 Mas
4 Matfield
5 Chabal
6 pocock
7 Dusseautoir
8 Parisse
9 Ellis (Angleterre)
10 Carter ou O'Gara
11 Sisivatu
12 J.Roberts le Gallois
13 O'Driscoll
14 Clerc
15 Traille ou Byrne

Ah oui, c'est lui, Lee Byrne Votre équipe internationale 2009 584698 . C'est aussi mon arrière de l'année at top level.
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Pierre de Paris
Champion du monde
Champion du monde
Pierre de Paris

Nombre de messages : 9686
Age : 72
localisation : Banlieue Sud 800m de Paris!
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Ven 25 Déc 2009 - 10:15

dédé a écrit:
Pierre de Paris a écrit:
1 Barcella
2 Flannery
3 Mas
4 Matfield
5 Chabal
6 pocock
7 Dusseautoir
8 Parisse
9 Ellis (Angleterre)
10 Carter ou O'Gara
11 Sisivatu
12 J.Roberts le Gallois
13 O'Driscoll
14 Clerc
15 Traille ou Byrne

Ah oui, c'est lui, Lee Byrne Votre équipe internationale 2009 584698 . C'est aussi mon arrière de l'année at top level.
oui super joueur Lee Byrne!
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Champion de france
Champion de france

Nombre de messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Dim 27 Déc 2009 - 20:39

Voilà celui du midol:

9-Du preez

Très sud africanisé. Je n'ai vu perso les sudafs que contre la France, alors je m'y reconnais moyen.
Du plessis, ok, c'est le seul à mon sens qui soit aussi complet que notre Swcharzy, le panache en moins. Et vu l'absence de Ghiraldini, les baisses de Rees et de Flannery cette année je comprends.
Castrogiovanni, ok.
Brussow, ok, même si je ne le connais pas, mais comme tout le monde en parle...
Heaslip, par contre, je pense qu'il y a à redire. En europe, pas grand monde pour le conccurencer (hari finalement décevant, Pic trop peu joué et baisse de Ryan Jones), mais au sud, il y a mieux. Read, Kankowski/Spies et même Palu qui m'a enfin convaincu cette année.
Ok pour Du preez, bien que je n'ai rien vu de sa saison. Mais Genia est vraiment génial.
Fourie en 12, c'est un peu foireux dans la mesure où ce n'est pas son poste.
Kearney... Mouais... Il a été parfait défensivement, mais on ne lui a pas permis de faire autrechose, alors...
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Champion de france
Champion de france

Nombre de messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Lun 28 Déc 2009 - 13:29

Je mets ici les équipes de l'équipe et des inernautes de l'équipe apportées par Gir.

l'équipe les internautes

Barcella Barcella
Du plessis Servat
Hayes Hayes
Botha Matfield
Matfield O'connell
Bussow Mac Caw
Elsom Dussautoir
Heaslip Heaslip
Du preez Du preez
Steyn Carter
Sivivatu Habana
Nonu Steyn
O'driscoll O'driscoll
Halfpenny Williams
Muliaina Muliaina

Heaslip ou Du preez font déciément l'unanimité...
De même que plus logiquement O'driscoll.
Quelques choix curieux de l'équipe comme Steyn en 10 ou Halfpenny...
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Pierre de Paris
Champion du monde
Champion du monde
Pierre de Paris

Nombre de messages : 9686
Age : 72
localisation : Banlieue Sud 800m de Paris!
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Lun 28 Déc 2009 - 15:04

oui pour moi Carter est meilleur que Steyn.

Servat en talonneur oui idem Dussautoir en flanker.

Pour les reste ces équipes sont magiques.
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Champion de france
Champion de france

Nombre de messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Ven 1 Jan 2010 - 12:52

Voilà l'équipe de Planet Rugby. Enfin au moins celle des lecteurs. Qui sont anglo-saxons. Et qui n'ont choisi aucun français...
Je laisse les commentaires (en anglais) pour ceux que cela intéresse.

15 Rob Kearney - Leaving aside a peculiar performance against the Scarlets in the Heineken Cup right at year's end where he trebled this year's spilled high ball count, Kearney has been fantastic. A siege gun boot has helped him through ELV issues, while once given the licence and freedom to roam and attack on the Lions tour he showed just what he can do. High point of the year was that try in the Lions' second Test.

14 Tommy Bowe - It's not often you become a folk hero and have songs made and sung about you. But such was Bowe's form on the Lions tour (on and off the field), that he became the focal point of much of the affection of the touring hordes. All together now: Tommy...Tommy Bo-oooowwwwe!'

13 BOD - It is a vast injustice that, in the year when he sealed his 100th cap for his country by sailing through a gap for a last-minute equalising try and led the Lions once again to victory with every sinew, Brian O'Driscoll missed out on the IRB Player of the Year award. But some scant consolation may come from the fact that he is the captain of this year's team...

12 Jamie Roberts - One of those who skipped the 'Newbies' list and made it straight into the senior XV, Roberts deservedly took the Lion of the Tour' gong for his destructive running power in the middle of the park.

11 Bryan Habana - This one was a close one, with Sitiveni Sivivatu less than 20 votes behind. But - and once again, probably courtesy of the Lions tour and his team's success - Habana clinched it on account of his ability to be a little more reliable at the back.

10 Matt Giteau - While Australia have floundered, Giteau's sparkling form - with on glaring exception - never let up. At times early in the year, it occasionally seemed like Giteau taking on the entire opposition. But once Australia did gel in that final game against Wales, we saw just how devastating Giteau's maverick talents can be.

9 Fourie du Preez - Our Player of the Year (when there's no sentimentality taken into account anyway), Du Preez is a shining example of how to execute a game-plan down to it's final crossed 't', as well as adding to it along the way.

8 Jamie Heaslip - An old school rumbler of a number eight who eschews video analysis and dieting for a heck of a lot of hard yards and work, Heaslip had a fantastic year.

7 Heinrich Brüssow - Pushed up from the 'Newbies' list after Schalk Burger's moments of injury/idiocy* and thrust into the limelights of a Lions tour, Brüssow is now South Africa's top openside in his own right. There can be no greater compliment than this fact: Brüssow so eclipsed Richie McCaw this year that the Kiwi did not get enough votes to even feature on the bench!

* - delete as applicable

6 Rocky Elsom - How many people can say they won a continental championship, headed to the other side of the world and became captain of a top eight country, all within a year? Rocky Elsom can...

5 Victor Matfield - The vote for second-row was a close-run thing between all the people vying for a spot to partner a man who is surely now deeply ensconced in South African rugby folklore.

4 Bakkies Botha - That race to partner Victor Matfield mentioned above? Bakkies won it by eight votes, the tightest call of the entire team.

3 Martin Castrogiovanni - Italy and Leicester's cornerstone had a comparatively quiet year, but his was the performance that helped dismantle an All Black scrum in Milan in November.

2 Bismarck du Plessis - Light years ahead of all others in this position, Du Plessis had hooker after hooker come his way and leave with tails between legs. And a couple of tighthead props for that matter. And we've not yetmentioned his line-out throwing.

1 Gethin Jenkins - The world's most athletic prop, with the ability to play either side of the scrum if need be. Could you ask for any more? Indicative of Jenkins' success was the number of South Africans who gave him the nod ahead of their very own 'Beast'.

The Bench - These were the players in their respective positions who garnered the second-highest number of votes - but for Smit, Robinson and Parisse, it was also a case of tallying up the total votes from the two positions people had voted them in for, which allowed us scope to factor in a degree of versatility to our pine-riders.

16 John Smit
17 Benn Robinson
18 Paul O'Connell
19 Sergio Parisse
20 Will Genia
21 Morne Steyn
22 Sitiveni Sivivatu
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Champion de france
Champion de france

Nombre de messages : 1817
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2006

Votre équipe internationale 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Votre équipe internationale 2009   Votre équipe internationale 2009 Default12Ven 1 Jan 2010 - 12:58

Et voilà l'équipe des Newbies...
Choix fait cette fois je pense par la rédaction, d'où un peu plus d'éclectisme, et donc de français... Et aussi, au milieu de la tripotée d'irlandais, de gallois, de sudistes divers, un écossais, le longiligne Richie Vernon...

15 Joe Pietersen (Stormers) - Breaking out from the sizeable shadow that is Percy Montgomery, this young Western Province and Stormers full-back has been outstanding throughout 2009. It was very surprising that Pietersen missed out on the outgoing tour but he is surely closing in on a Springbok jersey.
Will grow into it - Colin Slade (Crusaders)

14 Lelia Masaga (Chiefs) - Anyone watching the Chiefs in Super 14 2009 will surely give an agreeable nod to this selection.
Will grow into it - Gerhard van den Heever (Bulls)

13 Maxime Mermoz (Perpignan) - This bang in-form youngster is nicknamed 'The Little Prince' and is one off the long line of stars coming off the Toulouse midfield conveyor belt. Now having moved to Perpignan, Mermoz has been the best number 12 (excuse his PR number) and formed an excellent partnership with Yann David when Les Bleus overcame South Africa in November.
Will grow into it - Ryan Crotty (Crusaders)

12 James O'Connor (Western Force) - In case you didn't know, Australia's Rookie of the Year was eligible for all three Tri-Nations countries before he became a nineteen-year-old starting Wallaby in 2009. O'Connor has a lot more power than his 79kg frame gives him credit for.. Sergio Parisse can vouch for that.
Will grow into it - Jonathan Davies(Scarlets)

11 Zac Guildford (Hurricanes) - It was a difficult year off the field for this winger from Hawke's Bay. Whilst on U20 duty for New Zealand in June, Guildford's father unfortunately passed away after watching his son from the stands - it was a sad end to the tournament. But the now Crusader showed his strength of character to continue his good form in 2009 and was duly rewarded by Graham Henry.
Will grow into it - Benjamin Fall (Bayonne)

10 Dan Biggar (Ospreys) - The young pivot really has made the Ospreys number ten jersey his own this season in being a great performer for Sean Holley, especially in Europe. It is hard to believe Biggar is still only 20 but there is no doubt Wales have found themselves a long-term successor to Stephen Jones.
Will grow into it - Jonathan Sexton (Leinster)

9 Will Genia (Reds) - Australia meanwhile have finally found a replacement for George Gregan at the base. The 21-year-old from Papua New Guinea is right up there as the strongest Wallaby pound for pound. But it is his game management, decision-making ability and slick service that has seen him oust Luke Burgess.
Will grow into it - Ben Youngs (Leicester)

8 Dewald Potgieter (Bulls) - This number eight role was a tough call between Ashley Johnson and the Blue Bulls youngster. But in the end Potgieter held the game-by-game form in 2009 and been an impressive leader in Pretoria even at the tender age of just 22. Yes he has played most of the year on the flank but has filled in admirably from eight when called upon.
Will grow into it - Ashley Johnson (Cheetahs)

7 David Pocock (Western Force) - The term meteoric rise is sometimes overused but for this 21-year-old that seems the idyllic terminology to sum up his 2009. Pocock captained Australia U20 last year and has since gone on to nudge out Wallaby legend George Smith at number seven. More battles with Brüssow and McCaw please!
Will grow into it - Sam Warburton (Cardiff Blues)

6 Kevin McLaughlin (Leinster) - Shoe-filling does come much bigger than stepping into the chasm left by Rocky Elsom on the blindside. But this 25-year-old has made the Wallaby star's exit seem almost seamless as his partnership with fellow up-and-comer Sean O'Brien is a welcome boost for Leinster.
Will grow into it - Richie Vernon (Glasgow)

5 Courtney Lawes (Northampton) - Jumping on bandwagons is not our style but we just could not leave out this rangy forward. Lawes has been immense for Saints and his recent shift to blindside has now demonstrated his ability in the loose. The forward is an uncompromising tackler and lineout option for England in the future.
Will grow into it - Donnacha Ryan (Munster)

4 Tom Donnelly (Highlanders) - Although the Highlander has been around for close to eight years now, he gains Newbie status for his 2009 rise into the All Black engine room. A keen hunter, Donnelly stepped in for Isaac Ross against Australia and has impressed ever since.
Will grow into it - James Gaskell (Sale)

3 Owen Franks (Crusaders) - The Canterbury tighthead was well worth his handful of New Zealand caps this year and one feels there is plenty more to come for the 22-year-old. Younger brother of prop Ben, Owen has great work rate around the park and has more than held his own in the scrummaging stakes throughout the past campaign.
Will grow into it - Werner Kruger (Bulls)

2 Aled de Malmanche (Chiefs) - The Waikato man has been knocking around in New Zealand for about four years but it was 2009 that De Malmanche really caught the eye of the global game. Still only 25, he remains a bit behind Andrew Hore and Keven Mealamu but we fancy he will continue to climb in 2010.
Will grow into it - Dane Coles (Hurricanes)

1 Cian Healy (Leinster) - Our final playing member is Ireland's version of 'The Beast'. The Leinsterman is now the perfect front-row fixture as Marcus Horan continues to struggle to shake off his injury problems. Healy possesses real pace and also an eye for the try-line which has made him key for the Dubliners and now Ireland.
Will grow into it - Rhys Gill (Saracens)
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